Every year I make a Christmas craft list. Almost every day in December Keira and I do some crafty projects. We make, bake and glue. It's something to look forward to and helps the days go in a bit quicker. This year Logan will be old enough to join in too!
We usually make a DVD pile. They aren't for one specific person. They are just there for everyone in the house to use and share. This is what we have so far...Minus Wreck It Ralph, Fantasia, Fantasia 2000, Basil the Great Mouse Detective and Hotel Transylvania. I gave them to the kids early because I'm weak! I still have to get Monsters University, Planes and Despicable Me 2!
The Christmas Eve gift! My mum always let me open a gift on Christmas Eve and it was always new pyjamas! I usually give my kids pyjamas, a dvd and a small toy. But this year I saw a better idea. The box! I'm going to get two boxes. In each box will be pyjamas, a blanket, a small wrapped toy and special treats like popcorn, sweets and fizzy juice. They'll also get a DVD from the pile. They usually get a bath with something from LUSH in it. I'm hoping to get them the Christmas Eve bubble bar this year. We get all cosy and watch a movie. Then we head outside and sprinkle our reindeer food. Last year Logan was too small to understand and Keira fell asleep because she exhausted herself with excitement....but this year they'll lay out Santa's mince pie and drink before heading to bed!
Also from my mum and dad I want to continue the tradition of putting the Christmas tree up on 10th December. My gran always put it up then because it's my Aunt's birthday. My mum continued it and I planned to except excitement always got the better of me! But after last year, my lesson has been learned! I had to move my tree to the kitchen because Logan was destroying it from the start of December. This year it goes up on the 10th and comes down on 27th!
Do you have any traditions of your own?