Sunday, 20 July 2014

Logan's Favourite Books - Updated

I thought I would update on the kids' favourite books. Although there are a few that are still the same, some have changed.

The Day Louis Got Eaten by John Fardell. We got this book for free on World Book Day from the Book Bug Scottish Book Trust. It's about a little boy who gets eaten by a monster, then the monster gets eaten by a bigger monster and so on and so on. His sister is on a mission to rescue him from the monster's belly!

Again! by  Emily Garrett. I found this book on Amazon. I was browsing for children's books and I though the cover looked cute. When I read what it was about I knew Logan would love it! It's about a little dragon who wants his mummy to read him his bedtime story over and over again. But his mummy is getting tired and the little dragon gets a bit angry. There's a surprise at the end of the book. My kids love it!

Pirates Love Underpants/Dinosaurs Love Underpants by Claire Freedman. I couldn't find our copy of Dinosaurs Love Underpants to put in the picture. Both Logan and Keira love these books. Especially the dinosaur one which Logan knows by heart (I do too!). The mystery of dinosaur extinction is finally solved in this funny book! 

Barry The Fish With Fingers by Sue Hendra. We've had this book for a while but it's only recently that Logan has been wanting us to read it to him. It's quickly become a favourite of his and we're hoping to buy the rest of the books in the series soon!

I may start doing mini reviews on the kid's books. I'm forever looking for new books.

Unfortunately Keira is getting to an age where she doesn't want to be read a bed time story quite so much. She only asks a couple of time in a week now. 

I will do a separate post with Macey's books!

Hope this gives who ever reads this an idea for some new books!

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Kids Wardrobe Organisation - Two Kids, One Cupboard

When it was time to move Logan into the same bedroom as Keira, we had the problem of sorting out where we were going to keep all of their clothes. Before there was two beds in the room there was a huge triple wardrobe with five drawers, a mirror and shelves that held all of Keira's clothes. Logan's clothes were always in the cupboard. It took me a while to come up with the perfect way to store them all but I'm so happy with the way it all turned out. These pictures are from when it was first done. We did a big clothes clear out as you can see!

The cupboard only had one hanging rail which was no where near enough for two kids. My plan was to buy a second rail. I already had fittings to put a second rail in. However, we were getting rid of Keira's old curtain pole which just so happened to be the perfect width for the hanging rail fittings! I got my dad to cut it to the correct size and I then fitted it in the right place! It's perfect because Keira's rail is pink and Logan's is silver. I was actually considering spray painting Logan's blue or green! Logan's clothes are on top and Keira's on the bottom.

The other half of the cupboard has shelves. It didn't originally have shelves though. It was two hanging sections. At the time I didn't need the hanging rails inside the cupboard.  As I said before, Keira had a huge wardrobe. The shelves were still very much needed. The top shelf has the girls' drawers for hair accessories. I also keep Keira's hair dryer, combs/brushes and shower caps there. The second shelf is towels. I don't know if this is weird or not but the kids all have their own towels that no one else uses apart from them. I don't know how it ended up like that. I think when Keira was a baby I loved her having all her own things and it just stuck. Paul and I share towels but the 3 kids have their own. Logan's are on the left and Keira's are on the right. I keep wash mitts and face clothes in the middle. The bottom part has two big plastic storage bins. The one on the left has trouser hangers (the ones with clips! I never take ordinary hangers from shops but always the trouser ones because you can't seem to buy anywhere.) and the right box has blankets. The inside of the left door had Keira and Macey's hair clip holders. They kept falling off though so now they hang on over the door hooks on the bedroom door.

Obviously the clothes sections have changed and been filled up since I took the first pictures but the was it's organised is still pretty much the same. I keep their clothes in a certain order too. Vests, short sleeve, long sleeve, shirts, jumpers, cardigans, shorts/skirts, trousers/leggings, jeans, dresses, dressing up outfits, jackets. I did want to colour co-ordinate it but I think it would drive me nuts if things were out of place. So, for now this is just great! This is the happiest I've been with a wardrobe situation since Keira was a baby!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Macey Is 3 Months Old!

I can't believe that it's been 3 months since my second little princess arrived into the world. Time is going by so fast and it's making me scared to face the next 9 months. She'll be a year old before we know it.
She's fitted in with the family so well and is the complete opposite of her brother and sister. She's so unbelievably laid back. Nothing fazes her at all. She is always happy. The other day she was crying because she was ready for a bottle and she was still trying to smile to me even through her tears! She still only takes roughly 4oz of bottle every 2 and half or 3 hours.
She's been sleeping through the night for a good few weeks now. Normally she will get her last bottle at around 8ish and that's her until about 6am.
She just recently moved into size 2 nappies and 0-3 months clothes. On saying that, the dress she's wearing in the picture is 3-6 but it must be small made!
She's teething at the moment but has honestly been no trouble at all.
She's my perfect little angel. I'm not religious but I honestly think I was given her to save me from myself! I'm having such a bad time at the moment with both Keira and Logan. Their behaviour is shocking. There's some days where I feel like I don't want to go on. My stress levels are at all time high and I feel like my insides are being crushed. Macey makes up for all the bad! She keeps me going when things get extra rough!