Saturday, 1 March 2014

Sibling Gifts

I've been thinking about what I wanted to do for Keira and Logan when Macey is due/born.
When Logan was born I made up a basket for Keira with a few toys, a book, sweets, toothbrush and DVD in it. She got some cards as well with big sister on them. I don't really want to do the same thing this time around. Although we will be buying the big brother version of the book for Logan and they will both get cards again.

My first idea had been to get them both a bike each but after loads of thinking I decided to put the bikes off until their birthdays. I'm having a c-section and with recovery and looking after a new baby I won't have as much time to take them out on their bikes. Plus it's still freezing cold here. So, waiting until the summer seems like a better idea. I'll be back on my feet and hopefully in a good routine, meaning it should be no problem to take them out with their bikes whenever they like.
So, that left me with the problem of a gift from Macey. In the end I decided that we're going to take the kids to the Disney Store and let them pick whatever they like up to a certain amount of money each. That way they're getting exactly what they would like and what they will play with, be it dressing up costumes or toys. I haven't told them yet that we're going. It'll be a surprise on the day. I really can't wait! After the Disney Store I was considering taking them to Krispy Kreme to get a doughnut and a drink. It should be a good day out and I'm really excited about it for them! I already have a slight idea of what they're going to pick! Haha!

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