Sunday, 6 April 2014

General Update

So, life with 3 is a bit crazy! Macey is a really good baby (not that there's such a thing as a bad baby). She likes loads of cuddles. She's still on 2oz bottles but I think she might be ready to move up to 3oz. She generally settles down properly for the night at around 11pm (ish), then she wakes some time after 3am, then usually between 5am and 6am. She's happy to go back in her moses basket after her bottle to go back to sleep. The health visitor was out to the house on Wednesday and Macey now weighs 7lb 8oz. So, she's doing great! Although after a little problem I've been told that I'm doing too much. I've continued on as normal, doing my washing, ironing, etc. Thing is, if something needs done in the house I will not sit around and wait for someone else to do it. And I'm too proud to keep asking for help. My stupidity is going to make it longer on my healing process.

Keira and Logan have settled with Macey amazingly. I'm especially surprised at Logan. I expected some jealousy but he's been amazing. Only problem at the moment is that he's going through the terrible 2s (if you can even call it that) big style. I feel like I spend the majority of my day yelling and that makes me feel like a terrible mother. He just won't take no for an answer. I'm about at my wits end with him.
They both had their hair cut last week. Keira's is a lot shorter than I expected it to be but it suits her. And she likes that it's easier to manage now.

We also went into Paul's work with Macey and Logan on Tuesday last week. (Which was also too much for me. Long walk from train station to his office, then all around a shopping centre and back to the train station). After visiting his work we took Logan to the Disney Store. And I went to a couple of other shops while we were there.
Yesterday, Keira went to Asda with her dad. The birds of prey display was outside so of course she wanted her picture taken with a bird!


  1. You have such a cute little family! Don't feel like a terrible mother about the yelling it's all i seem to do all day but with Issy i feel like a right dragon and also feel like an awful mother because it seems all I do is yell at Issy and not Daisie, I'm so jealous of Keira's hair!! Is it quite thick? Issy's is getting nice and long but there is barely anything to it when you put it up its so thin x

    1. Thank you! I'm making some serious changes in my house today. Logan's just pushing it too far. I feel like a dragon too... especially since Logan is only 2. I'm starting to think there might be something wrong.
      Keira's hair is really thick. I need to put more than one band in it to keep it up! Logan's hair is really fine. It might start to thicken up a bit as she gets older. That's why it's always sticking up everywhere! Hahah! Daisie's hair looks nice and thick. And I love her curls!! x x x

    2. We need a BIG change and a decent routine here too, It's like we hit a brick wall with everything atm, When you gather Daisie's to put it up (when she lets me near her she sees the brush and won't set foot near me) there's barely anything there she definitely got her hair from my mum, Every little girls pony tails looks really nice and posh and Issy's just seems so scraggly and thin it doesn't help she likes to randomly cut off the sides of her hair -_- One side has started straightening at the front I'm going to be heart broken if she loses them x
