Wednesday, 21 May 2014

School Bullies

I knew it would come at some point but I was really hoping it wouldn't at all. Keira is being bullied at school by a boy in her class. She doesn't seem all that fazed by it but I'm really upset and angry by it. She's mentioned him a couple of times at home and yesterday I spoke to a teacher about it. She said that as far as she was aware they egged each other on. Then in the afternoon when Paul picked her up from school the deputy head teacher pulled him to the side to tell him about what had happened during the day. Apparently this little boy punched Keira in the nose whilst putting his jacket on. He claimed it was an accident, yet when she cried he laughed and called her a 'weirdo'. This upsets me the most because Keira has Autism. And obviously, her behaviour and her general manner can seem a bit odd to someone who doesn't have Autism. The school is going to be dealing with and speaking to the boy's parents (I think) but what I wouldn't give to have a minute with him for a quiet word. If only. I don't understand it because I would never let my child talk to anyone like that. And if they did they would be in serious trouble for it. They are being taught to respect everyone and everything.
Now I'm terrified for her future in school. Especially high school. People can be so cruel. I wish I had the money to send her to school for kids with difficulties or home school her!

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