Thursday 12 December 2013

Build A Bear

This year for Christmas, Keira has asked for the special edition My Little Ponies available in Build A Bear. We have two out of the three that are currently available in the shop. I know she's going to be looking for the third but I don't want to keep adding more and more things into her pile of presents. It would mean I'd have to buy more for Logan too.
But at the moment Build A Bear have an offer on where if you spend £25 online or in store you can buy a £10 gift card for only £5. I've bought 2 of these at different times which means that now I have £20 worth of gift cards for Build A Bear. The gift card comes in a little pop up house like the ones that the actual bears come in.

I'm planning on giving the gift cards to Keira for Christmas. That way I can take her to the shop after Christmas and she can pick something that she likes. Whether it be the other pony or clothes etc. Plus it's so much fun in the shop. Getting to stuff your toy and make a wish on a special heart that goes inside before it's stitched up.

The gift cards would also make a great present for someone who likes cuddly toys!


  1. I really want to take the girls here as part of their Christmas treats, they've never been before I'm so excited!!

    1. It's so much fun. I'm sure the girls will love it! Keira does! She gets so excited! It's not too badly priced either. I think the bears starts at £13.50. You can take your bears back to the shop with you too next time you go. They have a grooming station where you can brush your bear and stuff! I keep meaning to take my camera with me and forgetting. They do Birthday parties as well, which we're hoping to do for Keira next year. I think it's £10 per person and everyone that goes gets to make a bear and they play games etc. =) x x x
